We We are pleased to announce that the 7th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management conference will be held in Famagusta, Cyprus between July 10 -15, 2017. The conference will be hosted jointly by the Eastern Mediterranean University located in Famagusta, Cyprus and Washington State University located in Pullman, Washington State, USA. Read More
For the Accommodation and the Transfer Service, Please contact with the following representatives:
Mrs. Melissa AYDINmelissa.aydin@tursanturizm.com00905428882532
Mr. Emre ÖZKAN

Turkish Airlines is the official airline of AHTMM and special discounts are offered on certain booking classes. In order to proceed with the online booking tool for Turkish Conventions please visit the Turkish Conventions website https://www4.thy.com/TKC/app/main?language=en and use the event code 058TKM17 under delegate section.