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Prof. Arlt is a sinologist and professor with more than 35 years of practical and academic experience in Chinese tourism. Professor Arlt is Head Director at the Chinese Outbound Tourism Research Institute and Professor in International Tourism Management at the West Coast University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
He visited Mainland China for the first time in 1978 and more than 125 times since. In the 1990s he was the owner of an inbound tour operator with offices in Berlin and Beijing.
When he started to forecast China to become the biggest tourism source market in the world fifteen years ago, people were laughing, now he is a sought-after consultant and researcher. He is frequently quoted in all major international media including CNN, Time Magazine, The Times, The Economist, South China Morning Post etc. and publishes (starting Nov. 2013) his own blog on Chinese Tourism on as well as being the editor of C.O.M.I. China Outbound Market Intelligence magazine. He works for international organisations, companies and governments around the world.
Prof. Arlt is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (UK), Research Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (Japan) and a member of the Education&Training Committee of PATA.

Glauco De Vita is a Professor of International Business Economics in the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS). A former Senior Analyst for an American multinational, Glauco joined Coventry University in November 2015, from Oxford Brookes where over the years he held several key roles including Research Area Leader for Economics, Strategy and International Business, and Associate Dean Research & Knowledge Exchange. Glauco has over 50 publications based on leading-edge contributions in various areas of economics, international finance and business and management. Some journal high spots include: Economics Letters; Energy Economics; Journal of Financial Stability; Urban Studies; International Journal of Management Reviews; Journal of Business Research; Journal of Small Business Management; Annals of Tourism Research; Tourism Management; and Journal of Travel Research. He has published extensively also in management education (e.g., Studies in Higher Education), where he has also earned an international reputation. He has a track record of successful bid writing, including as ESRC grant award holder, and considerable experience of successful supervision of master and doctoral students as well as PhD examining (Bath, Reading, York, etc.). He is a member of various editorial boards and a Fellow of The HE Academy (UK). He also served as a Member of the Advisory Panel to the UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Research Interests
FDI; Growth; Exchange rates; International trade; Outsourcing/off-shoring; International education; International tourism flows; The macro environment and macroeconomic policy
PANEL: Publishing in Leading International Journals

Prof. Dr. Dogan Gursoy is the Taco Bell Distinguished Professor at Washington State University in the School of Hospitality Business Management and the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management. He developed and designed the "Hotel Business Management Training Simulation" (, a virtual management training game where participants are divided into teams and assigned the task of running 500-room hotels in a competitive virtual marketplace. The Hotel Business Management Training Simulation has been used for both revenue management and hospitality management purposes by several institutions.
Dr. Gursoy received his Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech. His research goal is to advance the theoretical and practical knowledge by meaningfully contributing to the state of the knowledge in hospitality and tourism. This process may involve investigation of an issue that has been neglected, re-examination of an existing area to advance the existing body of knowledge by integrating other theoretical constructs and theoretical structures, or re-modeling or improving of existing theoretical models. Dr. Gursoy is recognized as one of the leading researchers in the hospitality and tourism area. His area of research includes services management, hospitality and tourism marketing, tourist behavior, travelers' information search behavior, community support for tourism development, cross-cultural studies, consumer behavior, involvement and generational leadership. His research has been published broadly in refereed Tier I journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. His research has also been presented at numerous hospitality and tourism conferences and received numerous research awards. Dr. Gursoy has recently been recognized as one of the top 10 authors in the world in terms of publications in the top six hospitality/tourism journals during the past decade (Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (2011), 35(3), 381-416). Dr. Gursoy serves on the editorial board of several journals including Annals of Tourism Research (resource editor), Journal of Social Inquiry (associate editor), International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Tourism Analysis, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, etc. Dr. Dogan Gursoy also receives frequent invitations to give key note speeches at international hospitality and tourism conferences. He is also an active member of International Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE) and Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA).

Levent Altinay is a professor in the Faculty of Business at the Oxford Brookes University and the Editor-in-Chief of the Service Industries Journal. Altinay's research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, strategic alliances and international business. Using primarily qualitative methods as well as mixed methods, he is particularly interested in how entrepreneurs start up and develop their businesses and also how firms establish partnerships internationally. His work has been published in Journal of Business Research, International Small Business Journal, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Services Marketing, The Service Industries Journal, Annals of Tourism Research and Tourism Management. Altinay was a member of the Business & Economics Panel in Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2014 in Hong Kong. He sits on the editorial boards of more than twelve journals including Journal of Business Research and Journal of Services Marketing. He is also the Associate Editor, Europe, for Journal of Service Theory and Practice JSTP (formerly MSQ) and International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Altinay has strong record of attracting blue chip external funding, including funding from the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and the British Academy. Altinay has co-authored strategic management, entrepreneurship and research methods textbooks.